
© 2018 Andrew Rowe Artist • All Rights Reserved


Andi is a British artist who has commissioned work hanging with private collectors in countries as varied as the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Australia and the UK

Andi has developed his own unique style over the last thirty years and, having combined this with his traditional training, produces work that is both modern and of the highest standard

Andi has travelled to all five continents of the world and has drawn from his many experiences, these translate into both the styles used and his brilliant use of colour

Andi’s travels have allowed him to study the art techniques employed by native American people alongside those of many other tribal communities.  His formal training, under the tutelage of Diane Branscombe RA, was an intensive exploration of the fine art techniques employed by the old Dutch masters  


Andi’s work has inherited a sense of the immutable nature of art and the profound effect it can have on the viewer

Developing his style over years of artistic exploration, Andi has also taken inspiration from the cubist, expressionist and impressionist movements of the early 20th century.  Matisse, Picasso & Pollack have played their respective roles in developing Andi’s style and, as a result, Andi’s work has evolved and is characterised by his bold brush stroke style and the complex interplay of light and dark across the subject in his achromatic and monochromatic work

Take your time reviewing Andi’s work and we hope that you enjoy your visit